
Contact Us

Dave White (President of WHB Inc.) welcomes your calls and e-mails. Our goal is to provide you with the best quality Homes, Renovations and Dental/Medical Offices available in NC. Your complete satisfaction is our top priority!

We are happy to meet with you at your convenience, contact Dave White directly, he is always glad to answer your questions concerning your project. We would never claim to have all the answers, but we’re diligent in finding the correct answer and getting it to you ASAP.

Office 704-799-9500
Mobile 704-309-4301
Address P.O. Box 4301
Mooresville, NC 28117

We apologize if you receive our voice mail. We don’t disrespect our clients/friends by taking calls during our time together. It is our promise to return your call or e-mail promptly.

We appreciate you visiting our website and look forward to meeting you.

Thank You,

Dave White
WHB Inc.

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